
Kekova, where the history had fallen down under water: The antique city of Aperlai in the hot peninsula. It was founded in the 5th century (B.C), surrounded by the city walls. Its quay, under the sea, the sarcophagusses with their twisted covers could he visited at first. The Kekova Peninsula, with its sunk cities, is really an attractive place. The ships can approach to the shipyard bay. The left and the right sides of the shipyard bay is full of sunk city remains. If your preference is to rest in silence, Kekova Peninsula is the just right place.Kaş is mainly known with the Uluburun sunk, its neighbour island 'Meis', the view of the peninsula over the mountains, its cute white houses and the old city of Antiphellos. The Uluburun sunk is the oldest sunk, known throughout the world. In the ship which had sunk in 1300 (B.C), copper blocks, jewelry, soil pots, colored glass blocks and the oldest book written were found. The naked goddess, the most valuable piece found in the sunk, was such a detailed work of art that, the two antelopes that she holds in her both hands were nearly winking.

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